The Public Auto Auction
Polens BuyBid

The Public Auto Auction

Over 700 cars and trucks to choose from

Auction Starts Monday the 29th and ends Sunday the 5th at 5:00 pm




Auction Registration

Important Message:

Before you begin our auction buying experience, we kindly request you to register for the auction. Providing your name and email address is all that's needed. We recognize that negotiating a purchase price can be somewhat intense and pressured. However, with our public auction platform, you're in complete control when you make your offer.

You can make offers from a comfortable distance, maintaining your privacy throughout the process. You are not under any obligation to buy after the auction. (All sales transaction must be agreed to by both buyer and seller and completed at the dealership). . Providing additional information can be helpful, but it's not required. We're committed to supporting you every step of the way.

With over 25 years of expertise in both traditional and online auto auctions, rest assured that this is our sole focus. We look forward to working with you.

Sincerely, The Public Auto Auction.


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